Classification of Computer in sense of Technology
1. Analog Computer (more Detail)
2. Digital Computer
3. Hybrid Computer
4. Optical Computer
Qus -What is Analog?
It is a Current who go gic-jac way
Alternate Current, Analog Computer uses by Whether Science- tist(मौसम वैज्ञानिक) for measure Temperature(तापमान) & Pressure(दाब) etc.
Qus - What is Digital computer?
It works only on bit means (0 or 1).
Mostly computer are digital Computer
They are classified in sense of size
1. Very Large (Super Computer)
2. Large (Main Frame Computer)
3. Medium (Mini Computer)
4. Small (Micro Computer or PC)
Note –
- Convert analog signal to digital are called Modulation(modem)
- Convert digital signal to analog are called D-Modulation(modem)
- AC current boost by Transformer.
- DC current boost by Booster or Amplifier.
Hybrid(मिक्स) Computer – It is a mixture of Analog & Digital computer it uses in Nuclear fission(परमाणु शोध).
Optical Computer – It is Super high speed computer.
It is base on Light and quardru (sisa, lead, fiber)
Light speed = 3X108 meter/sec =3X105 Km/sec
Sun to earth light speed = 499sec
Light Year = Light speed in one year
= 365X24X60X60X3X105 Km/sec
=9.46X1012 Km/sec