1)According to the history before 5000 years abacus was developed in China by which we can calculate simple addition and substraction.
2) Blaisé pascal - Build fast mechanical calculating machine in 1642 it name was pascling.It was able to perform simple addition and substraction.
3) In1821(Charles Babbage) makes a electrical machine name of was (Difference Engine)which could calculate only the logirthm table. He was he father of computer.
Punch card were used to feed information in to computer.
Punch card was discovered by francici weavers in 1804 Jacquard French
- Joseph Marie Jacquard), French weavers and inventor of the Jacquard loom
In 1896 Mr. Wholerith make punch card company which new name IBM in 1924
4. Analytical Engine was modified version of Diffrence Engine
It was divided into four parts
1:- Input
2:- Output
3:- Memory
4:- Mill(processor unit)
Ada Augustha Love lase is the first programer of the world who write program for this engine.
5) In 1890 Dr. Herman Helrith from USA built tabulating machine used for Census in England.
6) Mark one was the first electric and mechanical computer discovered by Howard Aekain in 1939.
Who work multiply is 6 sec and division in 12 sec.
7) In1946 first Electronic Computer discover which name is ENIAC(Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator/Computer) was devoloped during Second World War.
John W Mauchly and John Presper Eckert was discoverd this computer. It consist 18000 Vaccum tube 70000 Registance and 5 Million soldier joined it consum 160kw electric power it was 30x50 feet long weighted 30 Ton, cost of &400000. It was 5000times faster than Mark One (start of first generataion)
8) PDP1:- Pahla mini computer tha jise DEC ne 1960 me bnaya tha.( Digital Equipment Corporation). DEC:-Digital Equipment Corporataion in 1960 third generation.
9) Cray one is the Third generation computer in 1971.
10) PC was discovered in fourth generation.
11) Param is the Indian Super Computer
Mahesh Prajapati
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