C = Common (साधारण या genral)
O = Operating (नियन्त्रण)
M = Machine (जुगाड़ या युक्ति) - जो काम को आसान करे व समय बचाए
P = Particularly
U = Used in
T = Trade (व्यापार)
E = Education (शिक्षा) &
R = Research (खोज या अनुसंधान)
Defn - It is an electronic device by which we can solve all types of problem like mathematical (+,-,*,/,^), arithmetical(अंक गणित) (>,<,<>,=,#)and logical(तार्किक) problem (and, or, not, nand, nor, xor, xnor etc) very easly with full accuracy.
- Use AC Current
- Simple wiring, Take more power
- Repairing possible
- Generation Gap(loss data)use transformer
- Use DC Current
- Critical wiring and take some power, here we can use diode, triode, transistor, Capacitor and transformer etc
- Replacement component
- No generation gap use booster or amplifier
Data- collection of fact and figure are called data it is a raw material of computer.
Information –collection of data which is use full and meaning full are called information.
Input Device(उपकरण) → Process Device → Output Device (For More...)
Data Computer Information(Result)
Exp =8X4-2 CPU =30
Keyboard, mouse, mic monitor, printer, speaker
Hardware -: It is a physical component part of computer by which we can see and touch very easily are called computer Hardware
There are three parts
- Input device
- Process device
- Output device
Input Device-: By which we can send data to computer.
There are many types of input device.
1. Keyboard -: It is type of input device by which we can send character data through typing to computer.
2. Mouse(Puch) -: It is type of input device and pointing device by which we can create graphic, chose option and play video game.
3. Mice -: It is type of input device by which we can send voice data to computer.
4. Scanner -: It is Type of input device by which we can scan our photo and send to computer.
5. Light Pen -: It is a type of input device and pointing device by which we can create graphic and choose option direct on the screen
6. Digital Camera -: It is a type of input device, by which we catch photo and save into memory(Memory Card) & send to computer through data cable
7. OMR (optical mark reader) -: It is a type of input device by which we can read mark data from the omr sheet. Computer analyze the sheet and give result very quickly.
8. MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition) -: It is types of input device by which we can read magnetic data from check number, draft no, passport no and credit card (Magnetic stick are debit card)
9. Touch Screen -: It is type of input device by which we can chose any option with the help of finger or stick when we choose option they give pick sound.
10. Digitizer (Graphic Tablet)-: It is a device by which we can create graphic picture with the help of light pen.
11. (a) OCR (Optical Character Recognition) -: It is a type of input device by which we can read printing character.
(b) OBCR (Optical Bar Code reader)-: It is type of input device by which we can read bar code from any product and send to computer.
12 5378 896
This is a Bar code .Bar code Mean information of product like rupees, product place, product name etc.
1. Keyboard -: It is type of input device by which we can send character data through typing to computer.
2. Mouse -: It is type of input device and pointing device by which we can create graphic, chose option and play video game.
3. Mice -: It is type of input device by which we can send voice data to computer.
4. Scanner -: It is Type of input device by which we can scan our photo and send to computer.
5. Light pen -: It is a type of input device and pointing device by which we can create graphic and choose option direct on the screen
6. Digital camera -: It is a type of input device, by which we catch photo and save into memory(Memory Card) & send to computer through data cable
7. OMR (optical mark reader) -: It is a type of input device by which we can read mark data from the omr sheet. Computer analyze the sheet and give result very quickly.
8. MICR (Magnetic ink character reader) -: It is types of input device by which we can read magnetic data from check number, draft no, passport no and credit card (Magnetic stick are debit card)
9. Touch Screen -: It is type of input device by which we can chose any option with the help of finger or stick when we choose option they give pick sound.
10. Digitizer (graphic tablet)-: It is a device by which we can create graphic picture with the help of light pen.
11. (a) OCR (Optical Character Reader) -: It is a type of input device by which we can read printing character.
(b) OBCR (Optical Bar Code reader)-: It is type of input device by which we can read bar code from any product and send to computer.